We buy direct. Sell your steel pipe to us. Regardless of the location and condition, QFC Services can purchase steel pipe lots of various sizes directly, providing you with working capital. We buy new, used, surplus, aged, distressed, rusted, and obsolete steel pipe, and make aggressive offers. Give us a call 817-565-3800
QFC Services is a wholesale supplier of new and used surplus steel pipe. We coordinate the pick-up and removal of all purchased steel pipe. Serving the utility and many other industries, we specialize in pipe for road boring, surface casing use, and surplus steel pipe uses.

We purchase all types of steel pipe: drill pipe, casing pipe, new surplus pipe, line pipe, any carbon steel pipe, and sucker rod.
Surplus steel pipe is purchased from gas and other companies when those companies have completed their installation projects, or they have pipe that has never been used. We also buy rejected steel pipe that, while it doesn't meet its manufacture grade, it works well for projects requiring a lesser grade. We inspect, grade, and repurpose the pipe. It's environmentally responsible while also allowing us to pass the dollar value on to our customers.